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Updating my Life

Assalamu'alaikum readers.

A few things that u might want to know about my life now:

  • Job: I stopped working at the cafe because it is closed down during Ramadan. Currently unemployed.
  • Academic: Going to do my first degree at Gombak at 6th September insyaAllah. All the forms and fees have been settled. Just need to do the printing as soon as i get a new toner for my printer.
  • Scholarship: Currently in-line for UEM scholarship interview. It's been a while but they said they're gonna call me for the interview. Applied for JPA scholarship. Hope everything goes well.
  • Social: A lot of hanging out with my old school friends lately. But not so much in Ramadan. Not very active at Facebook now but still active at Twitter.
  • Hobby: Been downloading and watching a lot of TV shows and movies. I spend most of my time on them when i'm bored at home.

That's it about my life currently.

This old man is my motivation.

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